Carry Tiger to the Mountain 2017
HD video/Super 8
continuous loop 4 min 44 sec
installed at Gallery 101, Ottawa
Photo David Barbour
Carry Tiger to the Mountain 2017
Installed at 6e Foire d’art alterntif de Sudbury 2018
Photos Maude Bourassa Francoeur
Carry Tiger to the Mountain and the series of videos in Experiments with Carry Tiger, follow a
woman performing a series of Tai Chi movements on a solitary beach overlooking
the ocean. Shot on B&W Super 8 film, the work expresses a grounded, serene
state while simultaneously addressing how the body is often fragmented into
parts. Although the practice of Tai Chi
is slow and meditative, the form is actually a martial art that prepares one
for confrontation. This desire to fight,
however, is really a desire to produce change. Change requires patience,
repetition, time and, ultimately, a negotiation with loss. Playing on a series
of continuous loops, Carry Tiger to the
Mountain questions the separation between beginning and ending while
proposing that slowness and repetition – often considered negatively in western
notions of progress – can become, instead, harbingers of change and openings
for transformation.