s(he) 2011
fur coat, chair,
banister legs, glass balls, balloons, ball bearings
2 ft x 2 ft x 6 ft
Installed at AxeNeo7, Gatineau
Photos Jeremy Mimnagh
s(he)has lost a leg and should have toppled over a long time ago, yet there it
stands, stable but precariously so, presenting a stance that, however fragile,
is also authoritative, confident, haughty, and maybe a bit protective. It is
also grossly exposed. One could say s(he) is not wearing any pants, revealing a droopy scrotum/uterus like sack, round
and reflective breast/ball like orbs, and a double bellybutton that implies
some kind of dual birth. From afar, these genital looking objects combine to
look like a face, while the nose on the head, inside the upturned collar,
droops like a penis.